Tewkesbury MP Watch (Laurence Robertson)
Will flooding sweep Laurence Robertson away?
Despite Tewkesbury constituency, and Tewkesbury Town in particular, being one of the most flood prone in the country, our MP Laurence Robertson's voting record shows consistent opposition to measures improving air quality, water quality, biodiversity and dealing with climate change.
He has consistently voted for measures which favour landlords over tenants in an area which has acute housing shortages.
His main parliamentary interests are in gambling and horse racing and he received £2,000 per month for advice from the Betting and Gaming Council until June 2023.
We think our constituency deserves honesty and integrity, and great care for our environment and climate.
MP watch Tewkesbury aims to hold its MP to account, irrespective of party, on the main issues which impact on life in the constituency. We are working closely with the neighbouring constituencies such as Cheltenham, to create a stronger and united voice to demand honesty in politics.
We would love more support from our fellow constituents to work on our campaign, so please get in touch if you'd like to get involved: cheltenhammpwatch@gmail.com