Derbyshire Dales

Sarah Dines Watch

Conservative majority 17381




Sarah Dines is the Member of Parliament for Derbyshire Dales for the Conservative Party. She was elected during the 2019 general election and served as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding from October 2022 to November 2023. She served as Lord Commissioner of the Treasury from September to October 2022. Sarah Dines worked as a family law practitioner before becoming an MP. She is a member of the Family Law Bar Association and the British Academy of Forensic Sciences. Dines has been a lifelong Conservative, joining the party as a teenager. She is on the right of the Conservative Party, is a Eurosceptic and supported Brexit. She is a member of the European Research Group.

She declared herself to be "passionately committed to the countryside and the environment" and stated that "people need to vote blue to be green" but this seems to us to contradict the stance of the climate-denying ERG.

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