Tatton MP Watch (Esther McVey)
Conservative majority 17,387 (35.5%)
Esther McVey is the Minister of State without Portfolio and has been dubbed Minister for Common Sense!
She founded Blue Collar Conservatives to "champion working people and develop a conservative agenda to benefit the voters and communities most neglected by Labour" which has a right wing, socially conservative agenda and is now chaired by Lee Anderson.
Her CV includes : Undersecretary for Disabled People, Employment Minister, Deputy Chief Whip, Work and Pensions Secretary, and then Housing and Planning in 2019/20 She was also a columnist for the Express but now works for GB News. McVey has described lockdowns as "communist style control", opposed diversity and inclusion training, and has called for the phasing out of the internal combustion engine to be delayed to 2035. She normally votes with the Conservative Party except to oppose same sex marriage. Of the 22 climate related votes during her time as MP, she voted twice in favour and 18 times against climate action. She’s generally voted against raising benefits, regulating gambling and slowing the rise in train fares. She also voted for privatisation of the Royal Mail, limiting the scope of legal aid, reducing taxes and restricting migration.
McVey stood and lost in the first round of the 2019 leadership election, standing for a No-deal Brexit, slashing overseas aid to fund a pay rise for public sector workers. She later switched her support to Boris Johnson. She was willing to sack most of cabinet, prorogue Parliament and see an invisible border between Northern Ireland and the Republic to get a no-deal Brexit.
On the plus side McVey has the courage to rebel and could be a valuable ally on any areas of common ground.
We are a really small and new group right now and we're really keen to get more people involved. Our first meeting is Mon 8th January via Zoom. Do get in touch if you'd like to join us. We will hopefully meet in person later in January. Tatton is quite a large area, so I'm not sure how often we will meet in person. We have our work cut out with her being part of the climate denying Net Zero Scrutiny Group but that makes us only more determined. So get involved, let's scrutinise this MP's chronic lack of action on the climate crisis.